advanced and versatile PRInting platform
for the next generation of active Microfluidic dEvices

To get a better idea of what PRIME is, which partners are working together
and what our goals are, please watch this video.



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Latest News


Microfluidics: Interview with Ignacio Ochoa (Universidad de Zaragoza)

Microfluidics: Interview with Ignacio Ochoa (Universidad de Zaragoza)

What is the status? We currently have a working valve actuated by light and we are working in the miniaturization and also trying to increase the speed of our valve. What have you achieved so far? We have successfully coupled the LCE actuators to a preliminary design...

Innovation & Outreach: Interview with Caitlin Ahern (BNN)

Innovation & Outreach: Interview with Caitlin Ahern (BNN)

What is the status? We are managing the project PRIME website with more than 4,300 visitors and social media accounts with over 300 total followers. We are proud of the 9 scientific publications produced by the consortium so far, several of which were in high-impact...


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About the Project

Microfluidic devices manipulate tiny amounts of fluid enabling cost-effective, fast, accurate and high throughput analytical assays. Progress in Microfluidics has huge impact in environmental pollution monitoring, biohazard detection and biomedicine, contributing to the development of new tools for drug screening, biological studies, point-of-care diagnostics and personalized medicine.



PRIME aims to go beyond the state-of-the-art generating a robust platform to create a new generation of active, tubeless and contactless microfluidic chips effectively changing the currently established paradigm.



Six organisations from Spain, the Netherlands, Germany and Austria participate at the PRIME project.